Xin Calendar 2 Mods: Date Range


The Date Range mod allows us to:

It also provides some helper functions to specify date offsets.

Like what we did for the Month/Year List mod, we can either change the mod order in the default config file:

xcMods=[{"order": 0,  "mod": "Month/Year List",   "script": "mod_list.js"},
        {"order": 1,  "mod": "Date Range",        "script": "mod_date.js"},

or we turn the mod order on in the JS way:

<script language="javascript" src="../config/xc2_default.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">

Now we need to set up the date ranges and dates. To do so, the Date Range mod provides us some function calls:

The enableDates(), disableDates(), enableRange() and disableRange() can be called many times until they form the desired settings. When a calendar with date and date range settings shows up, for each date in the calendar the following checkings happen in order:

  1. if there is an absolute date range defined and the date is out off range, disable the date and return, otherwise
  2. if the date is enabled/disabled by a enableDates()/disableDates() call, enable/disable it and return, otherwise
  3. if the date is enabled/disabled by a setWeekDays()/enableRange()/disableRange() call, enable/disable it and return, otherwise
  4. enable the date and return

As we can see, a checking step won't happen if its previous step has already enabled or disabled a date.

For enableDates() and disableDates(), they have the same priority in the checking order, but for a given date, the last call executed overwrites the previous calls. For example, if we have the following settings:

disableDates("conf", "2004-07-01, 2004-07-15, 2004-07-31");
enableDates("conf", "2004-06-15, 2004-07-15, 2004-08-15");

then a calendar with reference to the configuration of "conf" will enable the date of "2004-07-15". The reason is that, as "2004-07-15" is defined twice but the enableDates() call comes after the disableDates() call and thus overwrites the previous setting.

Likewise, setWeekDays(), enableRange() and disableRange() have the same priority in the checking order, and for a given date, the last call executed overwrites the previous calls.

Many times we might want to specify the dates and date ranges by date offsets instead of static dates, for example, 10 days after today, within this week and the following week, or 5 days before the end of month. To address this issue, the Date Range mod provides some helper functions:

So, for the examples just mentioned, the "10 days after today" would be:


"within this week and the following week" would be a date range of:

getWeekBegin("",0), getWeekEnd("",1)

and "5 days before the end of month" would be:

dayOffset(getMonthEnd("",0), -5)

The date and date range calls with the same configuration reference name will be grouped together and applied to calendars that refer to it. If we still remember the syntax of the showCalendar() call, we would know that the first parameter is the configuration reference name, as shown below:

showCalendar("conf_name", target_field, reference_field, "default_date", "holder_id", dx, dy, mode);

In this example, we have a date range of [the second Monday of the previous month, the week before the last week of the next month] for the first date field:

<script language="javascript" src="../script/xc2_inpage.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
setRange("1", dayOffset(getWeekBegin(getMonthBegin("",-1),1),1), getWeekEnd(getMonthEnd("",1),-1));
setWeekDays("2", ...);


<input ... onfocus="showCalendar('1',this,this,'','holder1',0,30,1)">

In order to get the second Monday of the previous month, we first get the first day (and also the fisrt week of course) of previous month with [ getMonthBegin("",-1) ], then we get the second week of the previous month with [ getWeekBegin(prev_month,1) ], and finally we get the second day (assuming that Monday is the second day of a week) from the second week of previous month with [ dayOffset(second_week_of_prev_month,1) ].

For the second date field, we simply disable the weekends:

<script language="javascript" src="../script/xc2_inpage.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
setRange("1", ...);
setWeekDays("2", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);


<input ... onfocus="showCalendar('2',this,this,'','holder2',0,30,1)">

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