Xin Calendar 2 Example: Auto-hide & sticky mode


Usually when a calendar (or a calendar window) pops up, it stays until we pick a date or click the [ Close ] link (or the [X] button for a calendar window). We can change this behavior by setting up the auto-hide interval and/or switching on the sticky mode.

When the auto-hide interval is set up, the calendar (or calendar window) will close by itself after we mouse-out the calendar box (or the calendar window) for a while. The [ xcAutoHide ] variable in the default config file (config/xc2_default.js) defines the interval in ms.

The sticky mode, if turned on, lets the calendar (or calendar window) stay open until we click the [ Close ] link (or the [X] button of the calendar window). The [ xcStickyMode ] variable in the default config file defines whether the sticky mode is turned on or not.

Both auto-hide and sticky mode are set up in the example. Just pop up the calendar, pick some dates and mouse-out for a while to see it closes by itself.

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